Forbidden Siren 2

a game by Project Siren
Platform: Playstation 2 (2006)
Editor Rating: 7.5/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 5 votes
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See also: Horror Games, Download Survival Games
Forbidden Siren 2
Forbidden Siren 2
Forbidden Siren 2

Unique stealth mechanics and convoluted storylines return with some much-needed refinements in Forbidden Siren 2. Continuing the legacy of its predecessor, this game is a survival horror title based on Japanese horror folklore that features a small group of characters stranded on a cursed island.

Creepy, unsettling, and all-around confusing, Forbidden Siren 2 is an intriguing survival horror game that will surely be enjoyable to fans of the genre. However, much like its predecessor, some odd design choices and blocky visuals detract from the overall experience, turning this terrifying game into a tedious process of trial and error.

Corpses and darkness

The plot of Forbidden Siren 2 follows a group of people stranded on the gloomy Yamijima Island. The place is infamous for the unexplainable mass disappearance of all of its inhabitants, turning into a ghost town. Once again, players control multiple characters, with their stories connecting through the butterfly effect.

Certain puzzles and actions influence the stories of other characters in all sorts of ways. Clearing objectives might make things easier for another character down the road. However, since the game is presented in a non-linear way, it’s almost impossible to tell which decisions will impact the game’s story.

The living corpses known as shibito make a comeback in Forbidden Siren 2, but this time, they’re not alone. The yamibito is a new kind of enemy, one that is stronger and more difficult to evade than the shibito. Stealth is once again the main way to deal with enemies.

What lurks in the shadows

The combat and stealth mechanics have been vastly improved over the ones seen in the first Forbidden Siren. Players can now crouch and walk at the same time, a great tactic to avoid the monsters. Should the creatures corner you, you can always use some basic combat tactics to temporarily dispose of any threat.

There’s now a basic melee combo system to fight the threatening monsters. Along with some guns, combat is rarely a valid option when running from the shibito. At its core, Forbidden Siren 2 is still a stealth game; don’t expect the combat to be any similar to, say, Resident Evil 4.

“Sightjacking” also returns to haunt Forbidden Siren 2. This power lets you see through the eyes of the shibito, allowing you to deduce how close you are to the monsters. Sightjacking will also give you hints on how to solve puzzles and reveal some story elements. However, using this power leaves you exposed to any possible threats, so use it with caution.

Not everything is as it seems

The story in Forbidden Siren 2 presents itself in a non-linear fashion. However, much of the backstory of Yamijima Island can be found only by collecting random items. For fans of rich backstories and cryptic mysteries, this is great; that said, if you were expecting an engaging and clear plot, you might be in for some disappointment.

The creepy enemies and gloomy environments we saw in the first game are also present in the sequel. Much of the unique charm of the Siren series is here, and its peculiar approach to storytelling might be something that appeals to Japanese survival horror fans.


Thanks to some modifications to the difficulty and the puzzle design, Forbidden Siren 2 improves over its predecessor in almost every way. That said, the locations are not as spooky as they were in the prequel, but that can be forgiven thanks to the outstandingly creepy character design and revamped combat mechanics.


  • Tense and entertaining stealth sections
  • Genuinely scary
  • Good enemy variety


  • Convoluted plot
  • Some blocky models and blurry textures

Download Forbidden Siren 2

Playstation 2

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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