Mortal Kombat Trilogy

Download Mortal Kombat Trilogy and unleash the ultimate fighting experience! Choose from an expanded roster of warriors, master their unique moves, and engage in epic battles. Can you survive the tournament? Play now!
a game by Midway, Williams, and GT Interactive
Genre: Fighting Games
Platforms: PC, Nintendo 64Nintendo 64, Playstation
Editor Rating: 8.1/10, based on 10 reviews, 14 reviews are shown
User Rating: 6.2/10 - 110 votes
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See also: Download Fighting Games, Arcade Games, Games Like Dragon Ball Z, Download Mortal Kombat Games
Mortal Kombat Trilogy
Mortal Kombat Trilogy
Mortal Kombat Trilogy

The Mortal Kombat series has become somewhat of a leg-end-a fighting game that unlike Street Fighter II, Virtua Fighter or Tekken, originated in the U.S. When Midway released the first game, it gained notoriety from game players for its digitized graphics and cool special moves, but gained a reputation as being one of the most violent video games ever created.

What Mortal Kombat Trilogy brings to the series is a combination of all three games rolled into one. Characters from the past come back to the arena for one more battle. The game is much like Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 in many ways. The game engine is basically the same, many of the moves are similar, if not exactly the same and the control configuration is the same. This game can best be described as Mortal Kombat 3 1/2.

The story combines all three plot lines of the series into one. It explains how Liu Kang became victorious over Goro during the first tournament. Little did our combatants know that they were about to be lured into the Outworld to compete in yet another tournament. But the second tournament was only a diversion-a way for Shao Kahn to reincarnate his queen and step from the Outworld to the Earth. Now firmly in his grasp, the third tournament begins to determine Earth's fate. This is the Mortal Kombat Trilogy.

The Nintendo 64 version of the game brings MK home like never before. The graphics are crisp and clear, a carbon copy of the UMK3 arcade graphics. It's astonishing to see the entire MKcast on one system, in one cartridge. All of the arcade backgrounds from ail three games are also included in the package, faithfully reproduced in their digitized glory. Plus, unlike the PlayStation version of the game or any of the MKs on CD systems, this one lies no loading time at all. Add in the Aggressor Mode which makes your attacks more deadly!

MKfans will no doubt appreciate the attention to detail that Williams look with the game, The sound is also good, considering that it's a cartridge game. The music and sound effects are taken right out of the coin-op.

Playable characters include Noob Saibot, Baraka, Rain (playable for the first time), the old style Sub-Zero. Smoke, Rayden, Johnny Cage, Sonya, Cyrax, Sektor, Reptile.

Scorpion, Jox. Liu Kang. Jade, Sheeva, Sindel, Kuncj Lao, Ermac, Smoke. Kabal. Milcena, Kitana. Kano, Shang Tseng. Niyluwolf and Stryker. That's not all, either. In true Mortal Kombat style, the game has hidden characters which may or may not he playable through a special code.

There are two Bosses: Motaro and Sbno Kahn, who would do anything to destroy all of the game's warriors.

One would link that the Nintendo 64 control pad wouldn't be ideal for a game such as this. Skeptics will find, however, that the game is easy to control with either the Super NES configuration (holding onto the two outside grips), or using the analog stick The game's control is very tight, with each move being pulled off with ease, just like in the coin-ops.

Gameplay is straightforward, with four different kombat tracks: Novice, Warrior, Master and Champion. In addition, there are five difficulty levels, from Very Easy to Veiy Hard and everything in between.

You can also choose to leave on or turn oft kombos, blood and the game's timer.

What Mortal Kombat Trilogy adds up to is pure gory action, with the same gameplay and graphics that gamers have come to expect the series, For the gamer who can't get enough MK. Trilogy is a definite must-have!


All of the features from the arcade are back, like Random Character Select, but Trilogy adds a few more to the mix. Included are two-on-two. three-on-three and eight-player kombat tournaments. Turning on the Auto Kombo feature gives your character added punch. When you hit a character with a kick or a punch, the computer automatically turns it into a kombo for you. using punches and kicks or the appropriate special move. This is a perfect option for players who are newer to the fighting game genre and up against a seasoned MK veteran. To give the experienced player even more of a handicap, kombos can be turned off. leaving just regular attacks open, it's a lot harder without kombos!

  • MANUFACTURER - Williams
  • DIFFICULTY - Variable
  • THEME - Fighting
  • NUMBER OF PLAYERS - 1 or 2

Download Mortal Kombat Trilogy


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
Nintendo 64

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

Three blood-soaked games in one! And all of them of the same ropy quality: If you're the kind of person whose life won't be complete until you've seen every silly fatality, babality and animality in the Mortal Kombat series, then you should get this game. And a life. The gameplay of the MK franchise hasn't advanced since MK2 in 1994, and it shows.

Mortal Kombat Trilogy is our featured cover game, and probably the biggest reason ever to buy a new console. If you're still languishing in the 16-bit doldrums, you've gotta get yourself a new machine, just in order to play this. Williams has taken the best of all the previous MK games and combined them into one gigantic monster of a game, for both PlayStation and Nintendo 64.

Every single character ever featured is here, with the exception of Johnny Cage (see report in last issue) as well as a couple of new hidden characters and all the hidden bosses from the first three games. Not content with packing this cart/CD full to bursting,Williams has also promised some secret treats that didn't even appear in the first games.

You'll already be familiar with the controls, and they'll be enhanced by the addition of a couple of new secret moves. Rumor has it that a completely new style of fatality will be included for all you gore-hungry fiends. Yup, you can face Baraka off against Sindel, or Sub-Zero against Scorpion.Take your pick--they're all here! Awesome, awesome stuff.

Mortal Kombat Trilogy for the PlayStation has it all: the characters, the special and finishing moves, and more from the arcade game. While the new added features (such as playable bosses) are attractive, they aren't what makes this a great game. The key here is solid one-on-one gameplay.

Trilogy has excellent, responsive controls for intense head-to-head gameplay, especially when you compete in a tag-team, two-on-two mode. By contrast, the one-player modes are weak; the computer plays too defensively, or schools you in a matter of seconds.

While one of the best features is having an MK lineup of at least 37 Kombatants, the biggest disappointments are the playable boss characters--Coro, Motaro, Shao Kahn, and Kintaro. They have no fatalities, very limited special moves and combos, and their blows inflict massive damage, making it easy to defeat opponents. It would have been nice if they were more in line with the other fighters. Non-boss additions, like Noob Saibot and Rain, however, are excellent fighters and welcome additions to the MK family.

In short, this is the best MK yet, if not for the great gameplay, then for the huge number of fighters. Even with its flaws, MK Trilogy is a must for any fighting gamer's library.


The game looks almost identical to the arcade game, with all the stages and carnage intact. However, some of the fatalities have been altered, like Baraka's Blade Impale where the victim doesn't squirm.


All the music selections sound like a record played at 33 RPM. However, all the grunts, groans, and other fighting sounds are intact, though the announcer's voice tends to blank out at times.


While lightning fingers are required to execute the standing button-tap combos, the controls are very responsive.

Fun Factor

For MK fans, this is the game to get. It's all the MK you could ever want and more.

The blood will be flowing in rivers from this title. Mortal Kombat Trilogy features not one, not two--but all three Mortal Kombat games. That means it will have all the moves, fatalities, babalities, animalities, friendships--everything that kept gamers in lines before the first three arcade machines. And for the first time, all three games can be played at home with their crisp graphics and sounds intact, thanks to the power of the PlayStation. This compilation promises to have all the fighters from the three games, too--secret guys like Noob Saibot and Smoke.


Are you looking for fast-and-furious arcade-style fighting? Do you like bloodshed? Need to let out some serious aggression? Do you get a kick out of multiple flying dismembered limbs? Do you like bloodshed? Enjoy frustration? Well, step right up: we’ve got the game for you. Did I mention bloodshed?

This game, like all others in the series, is really not about the storyline, as any Mortal Kombat fan will tell you. This appears to me to be a translation of Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimate from the arcade. It contains virtually everything from the first three games in the series plus some new surprises. There are thirty-two immediately playable characters, including the boss characters, and five hidden ones. A new "Aggressor" mode allows your character to become even stronger and fiercer. There are also lots of new moves that are not available in the arcade version.

Gameplay, Controls, Interface

The movement and control responses are quite nice. It will do what you want it to do, when you want to do it, assuming you know how to do it. Half the fun, or part of the problem (depending on how you view it) is learning the moves. If you’ve played any Mortal Kombat (or other arcade-style fighters) in the past, you shouldn’t have problems figuring out at least a few special moves. To start you out, there are a few listed in the manual (one for each character, to be exact). Since this is a sequel, most (if not all) of the moves are the same from the previous arcade games. You’ll definitely want to have an arcade stick or gamepad. Although I do have an arcade stick, I tried it with the keyboard also and was quite surprised that I was still able to pull off a few moves.

The best part of this game is the multiplayer feature, because most human competitors probably can’t execute combos nearly as quickly as the computer. This is also a really good way to learn to execute combos and get used to the general movements of each character with the timer disabled. This two-player game can either be played with both players on the same system or through an IPX network. It cannot, however, be played over the Internet or through a modem, which was a bit disappointing. The biggest downfall of the game is its so-called difficulty levels. The skill levels are "Very Easy," "Easy," "Medium," "Hard," and "Very Hard." They would have been better named "Good Luck," "Yeah, right," "What just happened?," "I don’t think so," and "Why Bother?". When you play this game, regardless of the difficulty level, the only way to stay alive is to perform one combo after another. At the very least, you do have unlimited continues so you can enjoy your frustration for hours on end without having to start over completely. The combos for each player can be turned on, off (which will help beginners when playing the computer), or to "Auto," which will allow you to execute a combo just by hitting the first button in the series. This can be extremely useful in playing the computer even though it does detract from the thrill of pulling it off by yourself. You’ll have to reset your desired game options every time you load the game, as the control configuration is the only option setting that is saved. There are three types of tournaments available: "Mortal Kombat," "2 on 2 Kombat," and "8 Player Kombat." "Mortal Kombat" has a best two of three rounds format. "2 on 2 Kombat" is also played best two of three, with each player using up to 2 characters per round. "8 Player Kombat" is a pro sports playoff-type hierarchy, starting with 8 characters that fight one round each. The winner continues until only one remains standing. "Mortal Kombat" mode is one- or two-player. Both "2 on 2" and "8 Player" are two-player-only games.


The graphics are a direct translation from the arcade. They are clean and crisp, with a lot of details and background animation. I ran into a problem when switching between full screen and running in a window. The colors would go haywire until the image on the screen changed or the screen refreshed. If you are running in anything greater than 16-bit color, you’ll get a warning message when you load the game that tells you the game functions best in 15- or 16-bit color. Despite the annoying message, the game functioned quite nicely except in the "Screen 2X" mode, which was extremely choppy on my 233MMX with 4 MB Diamond Stealth card.


Much like the graphics, the audio is the same as the arcade, with all the screams, "Excellents," and "Finish Hims" intact. The CD is not required in the drive to play unless you want to hear music during the game. I also tried playing with another music CD in the drive, and that worked too (with interesting results). While the game is running (even if it is minimized), you will not be able to hear any other Windows sounds until you exit the game completely.

System Requirements

Minimum for Windows 95: Pentium 90MHz, 16 MB RAM, 2X CD-ROM drive (CD must be in drive to hear music), 85 MB hard drive space, PCI graphics card w/ 1 MB RAM.

Minimum for DOS 6.0 or higher: Pentium 90MHz, 8 MB RAM, 2x CD-ROM drive (CD must be in drive to hear music), 85 MB hard drive space, VGA graphics card.

Recommended: Pentium 133MHz or higher, 16 MB or more RAM, 2 MB RAM on video card, SoundBlaster or 100 percent compatible card, Gravis PC GamePad Pro, Sidewinder Joypad (if in Windows 95).

Undocumented: DirectX is required to run the game. It is included on the CD, but needs to be installed separately from the game itself. The option to install DirectX appears on the Autorun screen. Be sure you have DirectX installed before installing the game itself.

Reviewer’s Recommendations: Do not even try to play this game with the keyboard—be sure you have a good, strong arcade-style joystick or gamepad with at least 6 different buttons that can take a beating.


As Shao Khan says when you first load the game: "Excellent," "Superb," "Well done." The 45-page manual is well written and complete, despite not telling you special moves and that DirectX needs to be installed first. Although the manual may seem to be a bit thick for this type of game, the last 20 pages are warrior profiles (including one special move for each) and game credits. For those of you who are less exploratory, you can pick up all the special moves, fatalities, pit fatalities, brutalities, babalities, animalities and friendships from GT Interactive’s web site.

Bottom Line

This game is definitely for you arcade-fighting junkies. I found this game to be pretty difficult, although I’m sure I can attribute a good portion of this to my own inadequacies while playing. There are some annoying tidbits, such as the 16-bit color message popping up when loading, waiting for the initial credits to finish before being able to play the game, and having to reset your options each time you load the game. When you get past the initial annoyances and get your options set up, this game will have wonderful but tough arcade-style fighting action and is a must-have for Mortal Kombat fans.

People say:


I think I've said this once before, but I'm not a huge fan of the Mortal Kombat series generally speaking, but to get all of the MKs in one package is a great deal no matter how you look at it. I thought that there couldn't be all that much to the game. I figured what could possibly be put into MK Trilogy to make it anything better? I've proved to myself that I ask too many questions! MK Trilogy does have some all-new features but one of the newest features is that it doesn't have a lot of new features--this sounds confusing, but since it has everything from every MK, technically it's not a "new feature." A good buy for N64 owners.


Look Ma! No load time! This is the single best package you can get for any Mortal fan. Forget about that upcoming MK1 and 2 package (give me a break!), and forget about Ultimate MK3. Mortal Kombat Trilogy is the most comprehensive game you get for the series. The Nintendo 64 version is great, but I wonder why it couldn't look a little better, with 64 Bits of hardware. It's not that colorful and the animation is a bit choppy. Normally, I wouldn't have noticed these flaws, but everything on the N64 is supposed to look great, right? I also think the Attack buttons on the controller are too close for comfort.


I've never really been a fan of the Mortal Kombat series, but MKT has changed my tune. There's just a heck of a lot of fighting game here. You an control every combatant from every MK game, including Noob, Rain and the chronically absent Johnny Cage (who's now played by a different actor). Their moves are nearly the same as in UMK3, except for some new combos and a damage-increasing Aggressor Mode. And, believe it or not, MKT controls just fine with the N64 analog pad. The graphics are kind of bland, though (the game looks like a low-res version of the UMK3 arcade machine), but you get used to it


It looks like the best Mortal Kombat is found on the N64. Strangely, however, a couple of things seemed out of place. For one, the music isn't as clean as it should be, with a distinct tangy quality about it. Second, Johnny Cage has lost his "signature" punch (I'll pause for your cringe, guys), which is a small, but important, omission. The addition of the Aggressor Mode is a nice enhancement, but is rarely effective in a real match. Still, MKT is the definitive Mortal Kombat game for all fans. No load time, superb game-play, additional attacks and the most characters ever in a fighting game. To the max!

If gamers couldn't get enough of the plethora of MK versions available for the various systems, why not get everything they love about the MK world-namely all Mortal Kombat versions in one glorious game. Mortal Kombat Trilogy for the N64 will have the entire MK series on one cart All of the characters, all of the graphics, all of the sounds, all of the fatalities, all of the secrets--in other words, it has it all. Unlike versions for other platforms, the Nintendo 64 Mortal Kombat Trilogy should be a flawless victory, since the Nintendo 64 is a cart-based system-no load time. On top of this, the graphics will be identical--if not better than-the arcade. The sounds on the N64 version are as clear and fitting as the arcade's-again, if not better. This collection could turn out to be the deadliest fighting-game combo of all time.

Bloody, horrible - or bloody horrible if you prefer. A compilation that shows just how sucky the early Mortal Kombat games now look.

This is really poor. A wealth of options, cheats, extras and finishing moves can't save it. Avoid with clinical determination.

Kombat explodes into the 64-bit realm with MK Trilogy. This compilation includes bi-level play, MK II backgrounds, hidden characters, secret moves, and more Kombat Kodes. The madness and mayhem don't stop there-MK Trilogy weighs in as the biggest fighting game ever, with more than 25 selectable characters in all, including Rayden, Baraka, Rain, and Noob Saibot. While the game is still under heavy development, the animation was smooth though the graphics were slightly blocky. The gam-play was sharp, and moves and combos came off accurately.

It's a Mortal Kombat lover's dream! Almost every fighter is included from each MK game, including Rain and Noob Saibot. Wonder what's hidden behind the two MK logos in the middle...

Gameplay & FunFactor

It's MK, and plenty of it. Anyone who loved MKII but hated MK3, or vice versa, will definitely take to this compilation. The mix of elements from the different games works remarkably well. Even the new fighters are something to be reckoned with--Rain sports a mean lightning move, and l\loob Saibot comes on strong with his Pile Driver.


Blood, blood everywhere! MK Trilogy has its share of crimson. Some of the old stages (like Shang Tsung's courtyard) induce nostalgia. The game looks arcade-perfect, with digitized characters, fatalities. Babalities, Animalities, and every other ality.


The Nintendo 64 controller poses no problems in the execution of rapid-fire combos and special moves. The configuration of all six buttons on the face of the Nintendo 64 controller is especially helpful.

Another bonus--the Nintendo 64 game has one feature not found in the versions for other platforms: the Aggressor meter at the bottom of the screen. As fighters exchange blows, the word gradually appears. When it is maxed out, you are stronger and faster for a brief period.

Mortal Kombat Trilogy is one of the N64's most tantalizing titles. With all the fighters from MKII and Ultimate MK3 (including Rain and Noob Saibot), and several new fighters, plus a few hidden characters, this is the biggest MK yet. Expect the usual wild range of fatalities, Babalities, and Friendships.

More than 70 new Kombat Kodes, new voices, backgrounds that break to reveal several new levels, and an Aggressor mode that rewards the attacking player bring freshness to the fighting and make this perhaps the definitive MK experience. It's been hard to peg this game on the calendar; after slipping to a November release, MK Trilogy now seems likely for October.

Forget UMK3: Mortal Kombat Trilogy is the ultimate Mortal Kombat game. This MK entry has everything any MK lover 111' could want--all the fighters, all the moves, and more. It's the mother of all Mortal Kombats.

All-Star Lineup

Trilogy puts all the fighters from the previous MK games into one lineup, for a total of 26 fighters. Joining the cast are two brand-new fighters, the purple ninja Rain and the hidden fighter Noob Saibot. Using the combo engine from MK3, Trilogy gives each character a standing rapid-button-tap combo. This puts all the fighters on a level playing field, and gives those from earlier entries (like Rayden and Baraka) new life.

Some fighters have been modified with new moves, and some have had moves taken away. For example, the old and new Sub-Zeroes have been combined into one fighter who posesses all the special moves of each. While purists may cry foul, the alterations are generally minor.

Some excellent gameplay additions distinguish Trilogy from earlier MK entries. These include an Aggressor meter which rests in a corner of the screen. As you exchange blows during battle, the word "Aggressor" is slowly spelled out. Once you've fully spelled it out, your character moves faster and inflicts more damage. Ultimately, this rewards players who play offensively. There is also a new finishing move, the Brutality. This is similar to the Ultra Combo finishing move in Killer Instinct, except that you must tap out the move rather than having the computer automatically do it for you. There are also several new Kombat Kodes and fighting stages.

Mortal Mania

However, MK Trilogy doesn't score a flawless victory. There is some slowdown during fights--like when you knock an opponent through the ceiling to the stage above.

So is Trilogy the best MK yet? Yes--due in part to the gigantic scale of the game and more secrets than you can shake Scorpion's spear at. For MK fans, MK Trilogy delivers with all the fighters, secrets, and carnage that made the series the phenomenon it is today.


  • Use Rain's telekinetic fireball to grab an opponent. Then you can set them up for an uppercut or combo.
  • Trilogy has all the Fatalities, Babali-ties, Animalities, Friendships, and a new finishing move--the Brutality! To do Kitana's Brutality, tap High Punch, Block, High Kick, Block, Low Kick, Block, Low Punch, Block, High Punch, Block.
  • Now you can uppercut an opponent through the roof up to three times!


Looks just like the arcade version, with fluid character movements, eerie stages, and lots of blood. The fatalities and finishing moves are also excellent translations.


The sound effects are arcade-perfect, but the music is too muted and distantas if it were a cheap imitation of its arcade counterpart.


The special moves and combos are simple to pull off with the N64 controller's closely spaced buttons. However, you must do lightning-fast button taps on the standing combos.

Fun Factor

It's MK--and lots of it. This game should satisfy even the biggest MK junkies. If you aren't a fan there is no better time to become one than with this game.

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Nintendo 64/N64 Screenshots

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