Petz: Catz 2

a game by Yuke's Co. Ltd.
Platform: Playstation 2 (2007)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 8 votes
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See also: Pet Games, Cats Games
Petz: Catz 2
Petz: Catz 2
Petz: Catz 2
Petz: Catz 2

If you are looking for an easy to own pet then Petz: Catz 2 is for you. Does your apartment not allow pets? Are you allergic to cat hair? Does owning a pet seem like a lot of responsibility and you’re not really ready to commit to something long term right now? Petz has you covered. Maybe it’s not that and you want to go on an adventure AS a cat and don’t know how to confront this truth about yourself? Once again, Petz has you covered. Pack some tuna and let’s pounce into this bizarre game.


The primary idea of this game is to run around the island you inhabit and complete goals and tasks set by other characters. The twist is that you are a cat, you can name the cat that you are and what breed you are too. Then it’s a large amount of walking around and completing tasks with a little bit of combat to sprinkled in there too for good measure but as a game designed for a younger audience, it isn’t difficult. It is very similar to the Dog Island, the game that this was essentially based on. They share basic adventure game tropes that you would see in Triple A’s like Spyro. Complete tasks to earn gold to buy more items that help you complete more tasks; rinse and repeat until you complete the story.


As with most titles in this franchise, there is a surprising amount of story within the game, along with themes that sometimes border on adult. Concepts of good and evil and of life and death, along with other, less serious but still valuable themes like learning the importance of being honest and contrite. The story, despite more serious themes, must still sell its ideals wrapped up in a cute style of delivery. In most instances, that involves magic and adventure and this game has that in spades.


Cute and easy to look at is the entire concept behind the art in Petz: Catz 2 and it works very well. Marketed towards children, the title possesses fluffy cats that run around and engage in battle; its cute but it doesn’t ask too much of the player, whether that be in effort or in extending your suspension of disbelief. It serves a purpose and does it well, can’t ask for more than that.

DS Version

There is a DS version of this title that is completely different from the main game. This one is a simple virtual pet game like Nintendogs. You spend the majority of your time bonding with the animal, petting them, cleaning them and dressing them up in little outfits. There is no plot beyond attempting to increase your bonding level and gaining trust.


For a simple game about simple things, it hits every beat of a standard adventure game and doesn’t try to be anything more than fun and cute with a moral to its story.


  • Very cute animals
  • Surprisingly deep plot


  • Could have had some mini-games or something

Download Petz: Catz 2

Playstation 2

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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