Ultima VI: The False Prophet

a game by | Origin Systems, and ORIGIN Systems, Inc. |
Genre: | Adventure/RPG |
Platforms: |
PC (1990),
![]() |
Editor Rating: | 7/10, based on 2 reviews, 5 reviews are shown |
User Rating: | 8.0/10 - 2 votes |
Rate this game: | |
See also: | Ultima Series |
A writer so rarely gets the chance to use the vi numeral these days so expect me to mention the title of Lord British's turning-point rpg a fair number of times over the next 300 or so words. Ultima VI was merely an extension of the fifth in the long-running saga. It had nicer graphics and a swisher interface, but no one really saw it for what it was until Ultima VII (another neglected figure) arrived. Then people realised that the Ultima tale was a force to be reckoned with and that Ultima VI was the game that sparked its meteoric rise to the top.
But to the game. How is it now? Has it lasted? Can it, as the less-literate might put it, 'hold its head up' with today's Alternate Lifestyle Givers (I'm fed up with the term Role-Players)? The thing is, any Ultima or alg fan will no doubt already own Ultima VI. It was a required purchase when it was first released and has been included in a number of compilation Ultima and cd-rom packages since. I couldn't really recommend it as an introductory to this rich and varied genre either. The story is too complex and there's just too much going on, a newcomer would be swamped in minutes. It would be akin to diving headfirst into a proctologist's exam as an introduction to first aid. You start with an ssi game and move on to Origin when you're ready for something bigger.
If you are ready though, or if you are an experienced gamer without this title in youY collection, now would be the perfect time to purchase Ultima VI.
Download Ultima VI: The False Prophet

System requirements:
- PC compatible
- Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:
- PC compatible
- Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
- Pentium II (or equivalent) 266MHz (500MHz recommended), RAM: 64MB (128MB recommended), DirectX v8.0a or later must be installed
Game Reviews
The call goes out far and 7 wide from Britannia. The Gargoyles are running amok, and Lord British needs help. Will you answer the call, or simply reverse the charges?
Gather round, fans of the Ultima saga. At last, one of the most popular role-playing games has arrived for the SNES, courtesy of FCI. Too bad it comes with a whimper instead of a roar.
Ultima Warrior
Ultima VI: The False Prophet is a huge one-player RPG. As that famous Ultima hero, the Avatar, you must walk through innumerable towns, talk to the townspeople for information, find weapons, discover 48 spells, gather experience points by computer-controlled monster mashing, and restore peace to the land. The interface is point-and-click. The music is also simple and clean but it's definitely from the Middle Ages.
Sound too familiar? It is. Although the Ultima series is one of the most respected personal computer RPGs around, this game offers nothing new for SNES fans. It's a role-play game in every sense of the word, and it demands patience, a good memory, and meticulous note-taking.
This game faithfully maintains its RPG tradition, but the graphics are conservative almost to a fault. The 3/4-overhead view provides a unique, although distant, perspective on the action, and it doesn't take advantage of the SNES's scaling or rotational abilities. There is no close-up zoom-ins during battles or changes of perspectives during conversations. The locales are monotonous, which gets very tedious after a while.
- Find Sherry the Mouse in Lord British's castle.
- Study the outside outlines of buildings. If the inside doesn't conform to the outside proportions, check inside for hidden doors.
- Talk to characters twice, especially after you complete a task or find something special. They usually have something new to say.
Walkie Talkie
The Ultima world is vast and complex, maybe too complex for its own good. There's a lot of real estate to cover, so be sure your party's wearing their Air Britannias. However, there's no real direction for you to follow, so pick any compass point and start trekkin'. Also, unlike most RPG's where you can't blink without attracting a crowd, this terrain is fairly fiend free. You do a lot of walkin' and talkin'.
In fact, you do more talking than an insurance salesman as you meet just about every citizen in Britannia. The text box has a neat feature that highlights words that sometimes lead to more clues. However, less conversation and more action would have been more fun.
You play Ultima in real time, so don't knock around town at night. No one will be awake. Also if you take anything, you'll be branded a thief. That lowers your Karma points.
Lord British Have Mercy
Ultimately Ultima VI is a satisfying RPG challenge, if you have the perseverance to plow through Britannia. However, the Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy are far less tedious and more fun. If you aren't an Ultima fanatic, this gargantuan game may make you want to get out of the Gargoyle slaying business. Maybe Lord British can just hire an exterminator to get rid of that nasty pest problem underneath his castle.
Ultima VI: The False Prophet is a computer role-playing game series of Ultima. The game was released by Origin Systems in 1990.
After Lord British returned to power, the Avatar is captured and tied on a sacrificial altar, about to be sacrificed by red demon-like creatures, the gargoyles. You must save the Avatar and collect the sacred text the gargoyle priest was holding.
Role Playing Fans, welcome to the world of Ultima VI. Computer gaming fans will instantly recognize this epic role playing title. You play the part of a brave adventurer named Avatar. Avatar has been called back to the land of Britta-nia due to the Gargoyles who have infested the eight shrines. As it turns out, they are upset because the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom has been stolen by you in a previous journey. Along your mission, you must also complete some smaller tasks, such as having a Gargoyle book translated by a woman in Lycaeum, finding the second section of a pseudo-Rosetta Stone, and gather eight pieces of a treasure map to find the Stone.
When entering the character stat screen, you see the portrait of your character along with the current hit points, experience, magic, dexterity, and intelligence. On the left of the picture, there is the item list that displays the armor, boots, helmets, and weapons. The bottom row shows the icons that can operate your group, including casting magic. Find out most of your information by talking to the many people that you meet. Ultima VI may very well be the ultimate RPG to come out for the Super Famicom. Watch for it to hit the U.S. late in 1992!
The first of the acclaimed Ultima role-playing adventures to reach the Super NES, FCI's Ultima VI--The False Prophet requires "limitless knowledge of truth, love and courage" (and, as every RPG fan knows, you don't acquire these attributes by playing Super Mario Kart for six hours each day!).
A hard-core test for true Ultima fans, the Super NES version of The False Prophet crams half a hard disk's worth of data into a battery-backed 8-megabit cartridge.