City Of Heroes Homecoming

a game by | Paragon |
Platform: | PC (2019) |
Editor Rating: | 7/10, based on 1 review, 2 reviews are shown |
User Rating: | 9.3/10 - 3 votes |
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See also: | Comics Games, Download Marvel Games, Best MMORPG |
The MMO genre is a tough nut to crack at the best of times. The amount of scope, content and quality that a game has to present to become a popular MMO is arguably beyond any other genre. Which is perhaps why only a few games reign supreme in this field. This reality is perhaps why we lost City of Heroes back in 2012. However, thanks to some clever reverse engineering, the game has been revived and given a new lease of life, branding itself as City of Heroes: Homecoming.
This game plays like other popular MMO titles out there today such as World of Warcraft, Runescape, GTA Online or Guild Wars to name a few. It’s a game that we thought we lost all those years ago, but miraculously, we have been gifted this one back, and for free no less. So sit back and relax while we guide you through what you can expect in our review of City of Heroes: Homecoming.
Hello, Old Friend
So here is the good news for returning fans. Everything is pretty much exactly as you left it. The game still offers the same great gameplay that was present before. There are still tonnes of trials and raids for players to take part in and perhaps most surprisingly of all. The game seems to have more of a fanbase now than it did back in the day, meaning that there is plenty of scope for a co-op friendly adventure.
The only issue that comes with this, is that there aren’t any updates incoming for this title. The graphics are still pretty rough around the edges, as they were back in the day. Plus, the same glitches that persisted from yesteryear rear their ugly head again here. Although, all things considered, these aren’t that bad and are easy to overlook.
A Streamline Experience
Now, this may not sit well with the purists out there but one of the main changes you’ll witness in this version of the game, is that you’ll have access to things much quicker and easier. First of all, pretty much all the paid content in the game is now either free or obtainable by gaining in-game influence. Which means players will have access to premium content right off the bad, making early game content easier and arguably more fun.
Then speaking of easier early game content. The player will also have access to a wealth of boosting options that will see you gain 8-hour long 100% boosts in XP. This means that grinding is a think of the past and players will be able to glide their way to level 15 swiftly and experience the best content that the game has to offer without the tedious grinding that MMO’s are famous for.
The Verdict
Overall, City of Heroes: Homecoming is a great way to relive a game that was axed before it’s time. Sure, it shows it’s age through the graphical details and the rather hap-hazard way the reverse engineers have patched this game together. However, the great gameplay shines through making this relic well worth your time, especially if you are a keen MMO player. We suggest you act fast and get in on the action before the developers catch wind.
- Same great gameplay from before
- Less grinding
- Premium content is now free
- Glitches persist from before
- Graphics are dated
Download City Of Heroes Homecoming

System requirements:
- PC compatible
- Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
Game Reviews
I want to be a superhero!
Have you ever wanted to be a superhero? If that’s a yeah, this game from Cryptic Studios will get you one step closer to that dream! City of Heroes: Homecoming is a massively multiplayer game that looks very similar to the DC Universe game.
With great power, comes great responsibility.
The simple plot isn’t the reason to play this game, although there is a back story. They are superheroes and they have duties to fulfill. The mission is given from NPC through the game. At no means does that make City of Heroes: Homecoming boring, as it’s the gameplay which makes the game enjoyable.
Up, up and away!
City of Heroes: Homecoming isn’t anything ground-breaking with its graphics, but it does have a lot of detail to it. The City of Heroes' world is massively a multiplayer game spanning through different servers. It has a simple 3D design and has a comic book feel to it. Who doesn’t want to be in their favourite comic book story? City of Heroes: Homecoming gives you this experience.
The draw and the main reason you should play The City of Heroes is the gameplay. It truly gives you the experience of being a superhero. You start the game by creating your own superhero with customisable features. As well as this, you can pick an original name that is checked through the servers to see if anyone else has picked that name. If someone else has that name, you won’t be able to pick it. So, if you do choose Batman someone will probably have that. That’s just the start though. After that, we dive into the world of the City of Heroes.
The world is split into different areas and each level has its own difficulty level. So, you’ll have to level up your character to be able to survive the harder areas. With new levels, come more powers, meaning that as you level up. You will be given more options for different powers. As you progress through the game from mission to a mission you could be fighting a boss to saving a hostage from a group of villains. This really keeps the game enjoyable as missions don’t get boring due to the variety. There’s also a massive multiplayer element here with PVP modes and modes where the missions can be done in groups.
There’s no other city like it.
Even though the story and graphics are nothing special, it’s the gameplay you come to play this game. The game takes a lot of inspiration from the DC Universe Online with its gameplay and graphics, but it does add its own spin to it by adding original heroes and backstories. The incentive to level up is very enjoyable and the ability to get new superhero power giving a very enjoyable playthrough. Also, the multiplayer aspects bring people together to fight alongside each other or against each other, makes the game great and a massive stand out from the rest.
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