Far Cry 5: Gold Edition

a game by Ubisoft
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 9.3/10 - 3 votes
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See also: Action Games, Action Adventure Games, RPGs, Far Cry Series
Far Cry 5: Gold Edition
Far Cry 5: Gold Edition
Far Cry 5: Gold Edition

'Far Cry 5: Gold Edition offers about every piece of downloadable content that followed the original release. And before you ask, yes - this version is of better value. There were some excellent additions to the base game post-release. Not only does it come with all of those, but it also features the third entry of the revered game series for your fancy.

That being said, is there a reason for anyone who owns all this already to purchase? Perhaps not, but then again, there's something you may have missed. Or there could be the case where you need to repurchase the game with everything. But instead of debating whether this is an edition of value, let's recap what made this game a decent entry into the Far Cry series.

What Goes on in the Backwater?

Let's remember what propelled Far Cry 5 into the limelight just for a minute. It was a very controversial narrative at the time as it felt aligned with current political events. But it's not really the gameplay that gave the game its accolades, considering it was all very similar to the past few Far Cry entries.

'Far Cry 5: Gold Edition does quite a bit to make the game stand on its own in terms of gameplay. It features gameplay expansions that vastly differ from the core gameplay of the base game. Suddenly, you'll be staving off zombies, dominating Vietcong soldiers, and repelling a martian invasion - all in the backwater of the Americas. Something sounds a bit too appropriate about this.

And if that doesn't feel enough, you'll be offered a trove of new weaponry to take your Far Cry 5 experience to the next level. Unlike many other 'deluxe' editions of games. Far Cry 5: Gold Edition actually seems to pull its weight for the cost, mainly considering the hours of fun you can have with the material outside of the base game.

Nothing is tweaked, changed, or modified in the original, though. Naturally, there were some bugs, plot points, and mechanical nuances that players found a bit frustrating. However, Far Cry 5 is a game worth playing solely for the compelling narrative that follows it. And if you're going to give it a go, you might as well play it with a gold coat.

Going Gold

These 'deluxe' or 'gold' editions of games have become rather obnoxious over the years. They seem to charge a fair amount more for a game that offers nothing more than mere cosmetic surpluses or 'season' passes for material that hasn't been released yet. Doom Eternal is very guilty of this procedure, as are more high caliber releases of today.


However, it's safe to say that Far Cry 5: Gold Edition does a little better than most. Apart from the additional inventory, the downloadable content and the extra gameplay modes could actually be standalone. It's a rare occasion where it enhances the experience rather than doing nothing at all. So, if you want to get into Far Cry 5 for the first time, the gold edition would be your best bet.


  • Offers more than your usual deluxe edition
  • The zombies' mode can rope players in for hours
  • Enhances the overall game rather than detracts


  • No fixes to existing bugs or issues
  • Incorporates the 'season pass' to DLC, which players still find controversial

Download Far Cry 5: Gold Edition


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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