Max: The Curse of Brotherhood

a game by Press Play
Platform: PC (2013)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Action Games, Action Adventure Games, Download Puzzle Games, Download Games for Kids
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood

I had so much fun the first time I played through Max: The Curse of Brotherhood. This is a charming puzzle platformer that is pretty much available for everything these days. I think that it is a tad rough around the edges in terms of the gameplay, but I think they made something really special here and if you enjoy puzzle platformers, I highly recommend that you check this one out.

Saving Your Brother

The game starts out with a fantastic cutscene that is like something from a Pixar or DreamWorks movie. Max: The Curse of Brotherhood has us playing as Max and on returning home from school, he finds his brother trashing his toys! Max is furious and looks online for a way to get rid of his brother.

He accidentally reads out a spell and a giant hand takes his brother through a portal. Realizing his mistake, Max jumps in after him to save him from a strange world a very strange antagonist. The setup for the story is great, but I wish they went a little deeper with it.

A Land Of Imagination

It is not just the opening cut scene in Max: The Curse of Brotherhood that is amazing. The whole game is gorgeous and this world is very imaginative and full of interesting locations. I like the way that the game flows with each area blending into the next giving the impression you are on one big journey. The sound in the game is great too with a soundtrack that fits the action perfectly and some very good voice acting too. The presentation of the game really is quite impressive, even more so when you consider this game was originally made for the Xbox 360 generation.

Magic Marker

What you thought I was just going to ignore the first game Max & The Magic Marker? This is a puzzle platformer game. The platforming in Max: The Curse of Brotherhood is a little tricky as Max’s jumps can feel a little floaty, but you do eventually get used to it. The real draw (see what I did there?) of the gameplay is using the magic marker to get through levels. You have different colors that do different things, yellow makes a vine to swing on or grab something, green can make a branch to use as a platform, blue can use this ice thing that can blast you and red is fire that you can shoot.

Is The Pen Mightier Than the Sword?

The idea of using this magic marker to solve puzzles and get around the levels is awesome, but it can be frustrating. To start with, you control the marker with the analog stick and it does not always do exactly what you want it to do, you also seem to run out of ink just before you are finished way too many times.

It is not horrible and you do get used to it, but I think with some tighter controls and a more generous ink supply it would have been even better.


I can see why some people find the drawing controls in Max: The Curse of Brotherhood frustrating and this is the area of the game that is rough around the edges. Still, you can get used to it and when you do, you will find some of the puzzles and sections of the game very exciting! I highly recommend that you check this one out, just be sure to give it a fair chance as the controls do take a while to get used to.


  • I liked the idea of saving your brother
  • The game looks gorgeous
  • Using your magic marker to get through the levels is very clever
  • The game has a ton of charm


  • The marker can be frustrating to control
  • I like the story, but I wish there was more of it

Download Max: The Curse of Brotherhood


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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