
a game by Horror Soft Ltd.
Platform: PC (2009)
User Rating: 9.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Horror Games

I'll Be Honest, when I was a kid Waxworks scared the hell out of me. In fact, it's probably the scariest game I've ever played. Even now, over a decade later, I look back at the screenshots and that little twinge of terror is still located somewhere deep in the core of my being.

Nowadays, with all your fancy 360° viewing and freedom of movement, games can't seem to deliver that same sense of pure claustrophobia and panic you got from navigating the Horrorsoft's boxy world. Yeah, these days flickscreen games are pretty much all rubbish, but back when they weren't, Waxworks always stood out for me, even though everybody else seems to hate it. But I don't care about those people, so I'm going to abuse my power and write about a crappy flick-screen horror game I played 15 years ago. Basically, you played some bloke whose brother went missing in your uncle's waxworks years and years ago. Now, with your uncle's death and ghostly reappearance in a crystal ball, you find out that he's still alive, as a manifestation of pure, grotesque evil, controlled by a witch's curse. Your only choice is to head into five individually themed waxwork 'levels' and remove the malevolence within, before finally confronting the baleful witch and removing the curse.

This is easier said than done - as with most older games, Waxworks is rock hard and requires you, should you wish to beat the game, to manually map out the levels using a pen and paper! How retro is that? The individual levels are interesting - a graveyard, Victorian London at the height of Jack the Ripper's terror, a mine with hideous mutant creatures, and an Egyptian pyramid - and you can die in a vast number of hideous ways. Horror gaming has never been as spine-tingling since, and is unlikely to be again.

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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