Acclaim Games
Acclaim Entertaiment has enjoyed astronomical growth and success since their successful public offering announced during the '88 Summer CES. In that time, they have expanded their NES library, entered the VCR gaming market, opened up subsidiaries in Japan and Europe to aid in game development, and are now looking to enter the computer software market. To say that Acclaim has made it big is a bit of an understatement.
Airwolf - Based on the syndicated television show and translated from a semisuccessful coin-op, Airwolf is your basic horizontal shooter. A hostage subplot helps liven up the action.
IRON SWORD: WIZARDS AND WARRIORS II - Kuros, the hero of Wizards and Warriors, is back in his second adventure Iron Sword. Take him through magical worlds defeating all sorts of ghouls, ghosts, and dragons.
WWF Wrestlemania - Developed around the hugely popular "sport" of athletic acting, Wrestlemania is a wrestling game with identifiable characters like Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant.