
a game by | High Moon Studios |
Genre: | Action |
Platforms: | XBox 360, PC (2013), Playstation 3 |
Editor Rating: | 8/10, based on 2 reviews |
User Rating: | 7.4/10 - 60 votes |
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See also: | Action Games, Action Adventure Games, Download Hack and Slash Games, Download Movie-Based Games, Comics Games, Download Marvel Games |
Deadpool was actually released before the first movie and before the whole world realized that they loved the merc with a mouth. Due to the increase in popularity with Deadpool (and some weird thing with the rights), Deadpool was released and then it went away again. The whole release, re-release and take away was really weird.
Merc With A Mouth
Deadpool, as you know, is very self-aware, he knows that he is in a video game and as a result, the game has a very wicked sense of humor. The game starts in Deadpool’s rundown apartment and just screwing around here is a lot of fun and full of fan service. I actually wish they expanded on this even more as it would have been great for those of us who love Deadpool. Deadpool is sent the script for his game and he is less than impressed. The whole poking fun at the game you are playing is very on the nose, but it works incredibly well. Hearing Deadpool comment on the state of gaming is actually hilarious and there is even an old school Zelda style level that just shows how much fun the developers were having with this game.
Bam, Bam, Bam
Deadpool is not just a funny dude, he has some serious fighting skills as well. Most of your fighting will be done with your sword and your two guns, but there are many other weapons that you can get in the game. All of the weapons have their own advantages and disadvantages and you can upgrade them as you play. I found that the quicker weapons worked best, but you will have to switch between the weapons in order to take down some enemies.
Speaking of enemies some of them feel like they take an age to kill and this can be annoying. The game throws a ton of enemies at you and I have no problem with that, but I do feel that some of the weaker ones should fall in far fewer hits than they do. The fact that Deadpool never shuts up while you are playing is actually great and it never gets on your nerves. One part of the game that I really like is when you encounter Death. I am not sure how familiar you are with Deadpool, but Lady Death plays a huge part in his comic books and this was something that the game handled very, very well. I would say that these were actually some of my favorite parts of the game.
What Does Deadpool Look Like Under The Hood?
Deadpool is actually a fun game to play. It is certainly never going to be in contention for any game of the year awards, but it is still a lot of fun to play. I do think that the humor drives you through the game as sometimes there are “issues” and if it was not for the fact that this was a game about Deadpool and it was so funny. I think I may have had more of a problem with the technical issues the game has.
The game can sometimes stutter when you are playing. This is not just when there are lots of enemies on the screen, but it can be when you are running down a hallway or even during a cut scene! It is not game breaking, but it is very annoying. I had a lot of fun with Deadpool, but I must admit that my love for the character made me overlook some of the game's shortcomings. Still, this is a game that is great if you want something that does not take itself too seriously and is also something you can get through fairly quickly.
- Has awesome Deadpool humor
- The sections with Death are great
- Features Wolverine and many other characters
- The story is pretty awesome
- Lots of weapons and upgrades
- Does not run very smoothly
- If you do not like Deadpool, you will struggle to get into this
Download Deadpool

System requirements:
- PC compatible
- Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:
- PC compatible
- Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:
- PC compatible
- Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
Game Reviews
The Merc with a Mouth is going through a mainstream revival right now, so Deadpool fans might be looking to play one of the most criminally underrated Marvel games ever made. The aptly-titled Deadpool is a hack-and-slash adventure game featuring everyone's favorite mercenary with his trademark brand of off-beat humor.
The story takes place in various locations across the Marvel universe, featuring characters that long-time comic book fans might recognize. As barebones as the combat can be, the undeniably stylish presentation and outstanding comedy make Deadpool a game no Marvel fan should miss out on.
Mercenary Business
Nolan North stars as Deadpool, reprising his role from Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Besides Ryan Reynolds, North is the perfect choice to play the Merc with a Mouth, as he captures the character's humor perfectly.
Deadpool's plot is as self-referential and fourth-wall-breaking as you might expect from the character. The plot involves Deadpool trying to make his own hit video game. Naturally, that means he must embark on a crusade against some of the most notable villains in the Marvel Universe, including the nefarious Mister Sinister.
Hack and Shoot
The game plays like most character action games, especially the Devil May Cry series. Deadpool has access to his trusty katanas and twin pistols, while also exhibiting his trademark regenerative powers. The result is a game that plays very similarly to the excellent X-Men Origins: Wolverine tie-in title.
Unfortunately, the game falls victim to one of the common pitfalls associated with character action titles: it becomes repetitive quite quickly. The level design doesn't help, with most stages looking just like corridors that connect battle arenas and not much more. It lacks the exploration component that would elevate replayability for more die-hard players.
Comic to Life
Despite the lackluster level design, the rest of the game's presentation is excellent. Deadpool uses many comic book elements to illustrate its UI and cutscenes, more or less like what you might have seen in Lollipop Chainsaw. Of course, Deadpool's iconic yellow speech bubbles are present in the game, delivering his characteristic fourth-wall-breaking moments.
Nolan North's voice acting, coupled with the rest of the cast and the genuinely funny writing, turn Deadpool into a game worth revisiting, even if the gameplay shows its age. The visuals are also pretty on-point, with high-poly character models that look appropriate even when overlaid with cel shading effects.
Also, for those wondering, yes: the violence in this game is Deadpool-approved. You'll hack, slash, and shoot all sorts of goons and monsters, with all the carnage you might expect from Wade Wilson.
By the end of the campaign, you might not be all that pressured into playing through the game again. However, the sheer insanity of Deadpool is enough to keep you coming back – and that's strange for a tie-in game like this.
Deadpool doesn't reinvent the wheel. It does, however, smash said wheel, probably making an inappropriate joke or two while doing it. The perfect game for Deadpool fans.
- Genuinely funny plot
- Nolan North is amazing as Deadpool
- Cameos from all over the Marvel Universe
- Repetitive gameplay
- Uninspired level design
- Some performance issues in the late-game